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Give me my Roses while I can smell them

My grandmother the late  Lucille Pittman is a constant reminder of one of her favorite sayings, “ Give me my Roses while I can smell them”.  As a child growing up I didn’t understand the importance of this statement or the long term impact it would have on my life and others.  During this COVID-19 Pandemic we have lost many family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and just people.  The tears and regrets roll so easily and the, “ I should've, could’ve, if heaven had a phone, you taught me everything but how to live without you” And the list goes on.  We have to find time to check on our loved ones, become creative.  Often it’s a simple phone call.  Technology has even made it easier, send a loved one flowers, groceries, a cleaning person for an older relative but most importantly consistent contact.  As we age often we are home alone and we lost lots of people our age (family members, classmates, and friends).  We do have elders that are being taken care of by immediate family members.  Those folks need some love and support also, it should not always fall on the same person but it often does.  A conversation with the caretaker and the person being taken care of is always needed, a few laughs some past memories.   Let’s take some time during these trying time and reach out and connect or reconnect with our loved ones, as long as there is breath in you it can be done.  Just because time has passed doesn’t mean it’s too late.  No excuse is necessary as long as one is not needed to reconnect but if one is needed have that conversation even if its a hard conversation.  Yes, we are still in the middle of a Pandemic so we must find creative ways to show love and support.  When ever a loved one takes their last breath will you be the person sad but continent with our life cycle or will you be the person full of regrets, it’s never too late to make some life changes?  I know this because ive been blessed with a support system that supports me daily with my challenges of being outside for the last 8 years, my life after trauma(assault and attempted robbery).  So I’m suggesting today, reach out to your family and friends to see if they are ok.  We are not Super Humans and relationships should not be centered around finances but we can be the best person we can be and we don’t have to stretch what we don’t have.  Acts of kindness are always pleasing to God.  Don’t forget we still have to keep our elderly safe and COVID-19 is still alive and spreading so make good choices if you  decide to physically visit anyone. Ive experienced my own regrets but I can truly say my regrets are few and far because life and age has taught me along the way and with what I know is God’s blessings. So I decided to share these thoughts in the hope that more can say the same.

If the feeling moves you please share some of your experiences in an effort to encourage / support others.