Accountability is defined as the quality or state of being accountable, especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s action. Are you able or willing to take accountability for your own behaviors that lead up to an uncomfortable situation? Can you identify and accept your actions, behaviors, or responses to a situation or do you pass the buck? Often we can find fault in everything and every one before we take a hard look at ourselves and try to figure out what we could have done differently to avoid a negative outcome in a situation. Taking a hard look at one’s self can be a difficult task that most are not willing to or know who to self examine for a different outcome. When we are able to look at ourselves vs pointing blame we are in a place of growth and moving on. Every situation does not require a fix but a move on. When we reach that point in our lives, life looks different and we can see self-growth When our interpersonal relationships are not giving us the desired outcome we can blame everyone and everything before we evaluate ourselves and our behaviors. Understanding that when you can take accountability for a situation it does not mean that the other party has to accept or move forward in the relationship. Ownership often leads to self-growth and does not require the other party to agree, it becomes about you and you alone. Take some time for self refection on a situation and identify how you took accountability in your life, this is for you and you alone it is not necessary to share if you don’t want to. Everything is not for everyone often our growth and ability to learn from situations are not meant to be shared. We learn from reflecting and try to make better choices moving forward if possible.