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Grandma Down South

Celebrating Women who tell our Stories.

In Celebration of Women's month  2023’s theme…..Im Highlightting my Grandmottther Josephine McCoy Webb know to me as Grandma Down South.  Grandma Down south lived to see 106 years (12/1/1904 - 3/16-/2011) as a resident of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina.  Grandma lived through the end of Slavery to the 44th President of the United States being a Black Man, and all things in between. 

    Im blessed to have had 44 years with her and boy did she have some stores to tell.  One that stands out is God does not make perfect people and as long as I do my best, the rest is up to God.  I was a teen mom and she said, “ your mamm upstairs going crazy, and then she huffed and said,” you know you not the first and wont be the last, make sure you make something of yourself”. She went on to tell me that she was big every 9 months until the doctor sat her husband down and told him the next one will kill her, and in her words the, “ Doctor fixed me”. She stressed the importance of me taking care of my children. In her words. “Take care of your children dont ask nobody for nothing , work , work as many jobs as you need to to take care of “YOUR CHILDREN”.  Spending time with Grandma down south ment going to rummage sells in Coney Island in the middle of the winter freezing to death and digging for treasures.  Good Times!  I was the grandchild that would travel with her around the city to visit relatives, good times, good talks, special moments.  

Ms. Josie as she was affectionately known loved without boarders.  My Grandmother wore many hats as a mother of 12, wife,  healer, seamstress, gardner, housekeeper, nanny, farmer, singer, cook, provider, compassion to all, “in her eyes everyone was someone”, and the list goes on.  She told me her greatest role was a child of God. When I need to feel close to her I open up the Bible and flip to Psalms and read, as far as I know that was her go to when ever she spoke to me.

It is my goal to create more storeis in her family home for my family and generations to come. To my family members reading this we have memories to make in Grandma’s house, preserves to make, cakes to bake , a garden to grow, and chickens for the eggs (lol).

Leave a memory of your Grandmother, Lets Celebrate the Women in our lives that tell our stories.