Parenting is a goal that many people look forward to accomplishing although, not always prepared mentally, emotionally or financially to nurture a child but often as a symbol of love or furthering their lineage. That being said, I've come to learn a lot about myself as a parent.

Understanding my adult male son born in 1983 has been an uphill struggle because as a teen parent I tried my best to give him what I thought he needed. Not having the first clue about being a parent but knowing I was responsible for a child and under no circumstances was failure an option. I believed that providing a home, clothing, every toy that ever came out, video games and the flyest kid out was being a parent.

My 55 year old self would say give out more hugs ,more positive affirmations, talk more, yell less, give him an opportunity to explain his part before jumping to conclusions and explain cause and effect in more detail.

Feel free to share some of your experiences as a parent.

Corlis R. Pittman M.A

50 Plus divorced mom of 4 living life after 50 with no borders……..Life is meant to live and this Grey haired Doll is up for the challenge, coming along with me as I explore life after 50, sharing some love, laughter, and facts that go along with the aging process.