My Mother, My Hero
Today and every day moving forward that God gives me life I dedicated it to my mother. My Mother and I never had the perfect relationship but the lessons she taught me have brought me to the woman I am today, the mother, friend, the entire person. Often we confuse not seeing eye to eye as the worst thing in the world the truth of the matter is everything we experience in life is a lesson. What we do with the lessons is another story. This month as we celebrate National Women’s month I’ve done a lot of reflecting, believe me, this is not a new discovery for me its always been with me. One year I heard a sermon at First Corinthians Baptist Church in Harlem given by Pastor Dr. Lakeesha Walrond on Mothers Day. She went in expaliaing that mother were daughters, sisters, cousins , teenangers, children before they became mothers. You don’t need to know a person's story, you have to understand that before they became your mother they lived ( not her words but you understand). The point of the message as she related it to the bible was to understand Mothers are not born Mothers. That day any negative feeling I felt toward my mother on what I though she should of or could of done in my opinion went out the window. My baby girl was singing in the choir and I went behind the stage and called my mom it was about 8am and I thank her and apologized for any ill-feeling and left all things on the altar. I spent a large part of my childhood being raised by my grandparents but it was due to my mother allowing them to raise me, she didnt have to do that. After that day my life changed, my spiritual life changed, my walk with God changed. I’ve always been there for my mom regardless of how I felt, I’ve always honored my mom even with ill feelings, but that day life for me changed. So I come to let you know my mom is my hero the sad thing is I didn’t tell her while she was alive, I showed her but I know if she would have heard the words it would have meant much more. So I say to my reader’s actions speak lounder than words but words are needed. My mom, My hero. If you would like to share some things below to let others know how you let your mom know shes your hero it might inspire others.