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Staying Positive During the Holidays

Positivity: the practice of being or tendency to be optimistic in attitude.  The goal this holiday season and moving forward is to focus on engaging in positive thinking, having positive emotions, and engaging in positive behaviors like kindness and generosity.  This new attitude will take a lot of energy and prayer.  Often we fantasize about happy families, romantic gestures, and just all-around L-O-V-E or the lack of it during the holidays.  It is time to change that mindset and focus on yourself and the things that you can control, Hence a positive attitude.  When you focus on yourself and you alone, the things that make you happy you will become a different person.  Enjoy the holidays even if you make it a solo run, see a show, date yourself, read a good book, or just do nothing but do it with a positive attitude and a ton of self-love.