Women Heart Health…….Go Red for Women

Today I will be focussing on all the Kaz Institute for Women’s Health have ot offer.  As a High Blood Pressure patient for over 25 years, Im still struggling to get my numbers under control and maintain once there.  It is my hope that the Katz Institue for Women’s Health can help me.  

Based on informaton on the Katz Institue for Women’s Health website: Heart disease is the #1 killer of women and it’s time to fight back.  I will be joining them on their virtual meeting so join  us at one of their empowering virtual health events in February to learn how to lower your risk of heart disease sponsere by the Katz Institute for Women’s Health.   The Katz Institue for Women has a national movement by the American Heart Association (AHA ) to end heart disease and stroke in women.  Northwell, through the Department of Cardiology and the Katz Institue for Womens Health of Cardiology and the Kaz Instute for womens Health, Partners with the AHA to raise awareness and empower women with knowledge on the prevention, recognition and treatment of cardiovascular disease, including stroke.  Northwell Health is a proud live Fierce, Go Red Sponsor in New York City, Long Island and Wstchester. 

Empowering virtual community events featuring our heart health expect are happening in February in celebration of American Heart Month  Come Join us!  I say us because I will be participating in my first event on today 2/10/22 @9:am.

Morning Conversation: How Stress Can Affect One’s Heart.  

Your Heart keeps you going through all of life’s events.  How does stress impact your heart as you cope with life and all its challenges?

All information above was taken directly from the Northwell web site.

For more information (855) 850-KIWH or northwell.edu

Corlis R. Pittman M.A

50 Plus divorced mom of 4 living life after 50 with no borders……..Life is meant to live and this Grey haired Doll is up for the challenge, coming along with me as I explore life after 50, sharing some love, laughter, and facts that go along with the aging process.



Black History Month