Women’s Month and Marching on…..

In honor of the March 2023 National Women’s Month theme “Women who tell our stories, “ I need you to share this with another woman.  A story is told with every post, picture, or inspirational quote we share.  I would like for you to celebrate yourself.  You can’t imagine the impact your post,” fact or fiction’’ have on the lives of others.  We inspire people to think, to want to do better, want more for themselves, and just live.  Although we all l know that everything posted is not real, a story is still being told.  Inspiration is given both ways, when someone comments, likes, or shares a boast to our ego is given.  We must be thankful that we are blessed to have a vision and a heart to share Happy Times, Sad Times, Break Ups, Love Stories, Super Kids and the list goes on.  It is my hope that we continue to love ,on each other, It’s simple for each post that comes on your timeline.  Like it, share, and comment.

Please leave a comment letting us know how you inspire other women or just other people in general.

Corlis R. Pittman M.A

50 Plus divorced mom of 4 living life after 50 with no borders……..Life is meant to live and this Grey haired Doll is up for the challenge, coming along with me as I explore life after 50, sharing some love, laughter, and facts that go along with the aging process.


National Autism Awareness Month


Women Who Tell Our Stories